Happy Birthday, Bear
Are there birthdays in heaven?
I hope there is cake
September Fifteen
On that day I fell in love
With a baby boy
He was overcooked
With a banana-shaped head
True love at first sight
Curly hair, eyes bright
Perfect little boy body
And a heart of gold
Best friend was a ball
He was never far from one
And his daddy too
Always protective
Little kids grabbed his hands and
Hung like chimps on trees
Adored his 'Jul-Jul'
Petite sister's armored knight
His smile, her safety
Justin, my angel
Encircled me with his hugs
And kissed on the lips
Lived to play baseball
Led teams with passion and skill
And, he loved fishing
He was my sweet boy
With tenderness in his heart
For every creature
I wish I had known
The depth of his hurting soul
But it was too late
November Fourteen
Of his twentieth chapter
Grown up young man died
Seven years later
World says I'll mourn forever
Is grief all there is?
Because if it is
Maybe I have forgotten
What is it to mourn?
Mourning is mortal
Justin lives in my spirit
Always in my heart
Essence comes from God
Transcending death's sting
I feel his presence
Always in my heart
Memories of him bring joy
I simply feel peace