The Reminder-er

Patrick Ingremeau

Patrick Ingremeau

The reminder-er

Comes into your life on the

Wings of a swallow


His sleek, black feathers

Soak up sun’s rays and glimmer

Like an onyx gem


Black eyes clear like glass

Window to bird’s spirit that

Perceives heart from mind


He illuminates

Your heart’s faint, hidden light, paled

By years of censure


Swallow imparts path

To finding your brilliance

Teaches laws of light


Light heralds peace, joy

Only sin: to embrace fear

Writes disharmony


Orating light’s rules

Bird speaks of powers, destiny

Love and forgiveness


Faith and stewardship

Listening and discerning

And yes, miracles


Mystical bird warns

Take note of worries, fears that

Open door to foe


Stand guard at entrance

Keep out angels of darkness

Be haven for light


Only we can choose

To accept guiding faith, and

Decry deception


Walking path of light

Gives us strength to transcend world

Life’s turbulent storms


Wings of a bird are

Not meant to carry us, still

Swallow can remind


First we must listen

Second, choose to believe, and

When we fall, recall

Terri Elise Goldstein



The Truth About Life


My Brilliance Reborn